7 Tips to Survive a Weekend Yoga Conference
If you’re thinking of going to a weekend yoga conference or yoga festival – read this first! I’ve gone to a number of these blissful zen weekends, and here are some tips to help you make the most of your experience.
1. Be bold!
Sign up for some sessions that are different than what you normally like. This year at Yoga Journal Conference San Diego, I tried ‘Slacklining’. This is a really cool experience that I may not have ever tried. Will I try it again? Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, it was something new and fun 🙂
I also did a yoga photography session – once again, not my normal sweaty vinyasa class, but I do those all the time at home, so why not branch out? I learned some cool yoga photography tips, like to make sure that there are angles purposefully placed in a photo. I was really happy with how this one turned out, thanks to using those tips – see how there’s a sliver of light between my face and arm?
2. Smart Snacking
If you want to take full advantage of every session offered (and you’ve paid for it, why not?), then be prepared to snack throughout the day. There’s no time for a big meal, and you’ll feel gross doing yoga on a full stomach!
At the yoga conference last month in San Diego, I discovered these fantastic Chia Bars. Delicious 100 calorie bars in yummy flavors like chocolate peanut butter; and coffee – with a base of chia seeds, this is nutrition that will keep you going without weighing you down.
3. Talk to the Vendors
Also make sure to talk to the vendors – I LOVE SunWarrior protein, and after chatting with the girls at their booth, they hooked me up with a tote bag and tons of samples. Totally not expected, but I was pumped – the sample size powders were perfect to mix in a water bottle between yoga sessions!
4. Turmeric
This was a lifesaver! The Yoga Journal Event staff were nice enough to leave this in our rooms the first evening, and I swear it made a difference! As you probably know, turmeric helps with inflammation. I took this every morning and evening during the conference, and didn’t feel beat down at the end of the weekend, like I normally would.
5. Map Out Your Sessions
Once you check in at the conference, take some time to figure out where your sessions are. I actually mark mine on the map so that I’m not scrambling between sessions. That way you can take your time and enjoy, without wondering where you need to go next. This year the Yoga Journal San Diego Conference was at the Hotel Del Coronado – beautiful property but a little confusing. Marking my sessions on the map made my days just a little smoother 🙂
6. It’s in the Bag
Bring a multi purpose bag / purse, and tie your name badge on it. This is the easiest way to transport everything and not worry about losing your badge (there’s a charge to replace it if you do lose it!) I love the Lululemon Party Om Bag – it’s the perfect size!
7. Travel Yoga Mat
If you are flying to the conference, you might want to try a travel mat. I used the YoGo mat all weekend, and it was great – it rolled up in a small bundle to fit in my suitcase, and it went from a yoga session in a conference room, to yoga on the beach. It was easy to clean after getting all sandy on the beach, which was a huge bonus!
So there you have it – my top tips to help make your yoga weekend a success!
What other tips do you have to share? Leave them below, and let’s all help each other make this world a better place, one yoga OM at a time 🙂